Alice Geronimo
Somatic Psychotherapy & Coaching
Specializing in Trauma Recovery
Somatic therapy, for who?
The list below is non-exhaustive. These examples are considered symptomatic when they impact your relationships or your life in an excessive, repetitive, and/or uncontrollable way.

Relationship difficulties
I don't know how to say "no"
When I'm not satisfied, I become mean, critical, or I isolate myself
I do not need anyone
I can't trust others
I am constantly afraid of being judged.
I fear conflict. I censor myself
Social situations scare me
Emotional difficulties
I get quickly defensive and my anger regularly gets the better out of me
I'm on autopilot, I feel nothing
I don't know why but I'm not happy
My anxieties always come back to haunt me
I can't relax
I always imagine the worst
I can't move on in my life
My emotions overwhelm me, I feel like I'm losing control.

Body difficulties
Tensions in the shoulders, neck, jaw...
Digestive issues
Heart beating hard and fast for no reason
Startle frequently
Hand/leg tremors in certain situations
Memory loss (especially childhood or certain periods of life)
Tension in the chest, difficulty breathing